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Good stuff from Allen Stevo. I had to c&p part of it below because there was no link to it that I could find.
"Really cool conversation and training Wednesday night on saying no to face masks, especially in healthcare facilities.Healthcare facilities are where the mask mandates have gone to rest, and where they will keep them until:1.) they fail or2.) until they are needed for roll out to the entirety of society again.
I am hoping for failure and helping a committed group of folks bring about the failure of that awful policy.They will normalize face masks in a small, but necessary, fringe area of life that seldom affects people, except what they are most desperate — hospitals.
Schools are another good place, but parents are paying too much attention to kids right now.
Parents are not paying the same amount of attention to old folks in hospitals.
Once normalized in hospitals, it will be far less difficult to normalize them everywhere.
And why?
Well, just like TSA, which is known by security experts not to work — “security theater” it is often called — just like TSA, there are people who wish to help turn you into an obedient, servile, slave, willing to do anything you are told in order to be able to do the most basic things in life — such as board a 45 minute flight to Paducah.
In the process of supporting the growth in the security state, the establishment has another way to suck money out of the system for themselves and another avenue of control.
In the Slovak language and in some other European languages, the word for checkpoint is revealingly “kontrol.”
Wherever a checkpoint exists, the purpose is to control you.The english word “checkpoint” is a deceitful and watered down version of the reality.
The truth is this: anyone suggesting any checkpoint is seeking to control you.
That is the work of a tyrant, one opposed to freedom in your life.
One of the pan-European words for checkpoint reveals that truth.
Whether it be TSA, or a face mask check, or a vaccine check, or an ID check, or a sobriety station, or a routine traffic stop, no matter what reason given for it, the true reason for the checkpoint is to control you."
If you want to go directly to his website: Tap here to join in on the fun:
I am so happy I never relented to those damned shots nor did my doctor MAKE me do such a stupid thing. I have a great healthcare center in my area and if I ever move, I'll never give up my doctor.
You really should follow that link to Allen's website he's got some more interesting stuff there to read. EXCELLENT!!
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