My Polka Dot Apron

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August 30, 2023 12:05 am  #1

Eat more cabbage for MANY good health reasons (and how-to hints)

I love the stuff, whether it's fermented into sauerkraut or not.  I make UNstuffed cabbage rolls, meaning I use all the same ingredients as what I used to use to make cabbage rolls (a zealous exercise in cooking!) and they are so much easier to make, by far.  Tastes just as great, too.

I also love sauerkraut on a hotdog, which I don't eat too many hotdogs *don't ask what's in them!  ANd I love fried pork chops followed up with fried sauerkraut in the leftover brownings of the pork chops.  YUM!  An old German recipe.

Here's a great vid showing how truly easy this stuff is to make.  You can search online for the glass weights and the "burpy tip" blue top.  Personally I used a really large heavy piece of rock salt I have on hand and put it into a plastic bag to use for the weight and I just use one of the white plastic jar lids, left loosely attached.  About once a day I hold my jar over the sink and shake it or turn it up side down over and over to sort of mix the juices (brine) back into the bulk cabbage.  I do it that way because that's the way my Mama and my gramma did it !!  Traditional cooking is everything, donchaknow?

The vid is about 7 minutes long and well worth watching.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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