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June 27, 2023 2:19 am  #1

Curing disease with food

You know it can be done, but people are too lazy to seek out REAL food, and most states have outlawed the sale of such things as REAL raw milk; cow, sheep or goat.  Our "legislators" who are supposed to be representing WE the people are doing anything but.  In my state creeps like john thune and dusty johnson have worked hard to keep REAL FRESH MILK illegal, even though they certainly must know it's really really good for people.  (I posted a topic here a while back titled RAW milk from cows, sheep and goats or something like that).  You prolly oughta read that too.

I've known this for years, because many of my daycare babies who couldn't tolerate breast milk drank goat milk.  My son has a foster baby right now who cannot keep anything down in his stomach so what do they do?  They give hime MEDICINE rather than driving 35 miles to buy fresh cow, goat or sheep milk.  It makes me sick to think about it.  The other day when we all gathered here at my house for a picnic I gave him a "packet of food" (you know what I  mean, those plastic bag type things with the screw off tops and they can just suck the food out of the plastic packet) and he ate all of it, although some of it came back up.  But he seemed to enjoy it so maybe my son and his wife will be able to get him to eat from a spoon before long.  Heck my OWN kids were feeding themselves with forks and spoons before they were a year old, and they got NO CHANCE to be fussy!  They ate or else.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

July 6, 2023 11:51 pm  #2

Re: Curing disease with food

There was no link to this article (Stevo's email articles never have a "shareable" link - i HATE that), so I had to C&P the whole article. 

It's amazing how many people simply do not understand food.  They certainly don't understand REAL FOOD. 

But eventually they learn if they WANT to learn.  There's guys like Dusty Johnson in the Legislature from my state who is as dumb as a green post.  Ditto for dumbass john thune, and even our gubner who grew up on a ranch/farm doesn't seem to "GET" what real, raw milk is all about.  Did she never milk a cow and squirt her siblings with the milk from the teat??  We used to think that was great fun until my gramma made us understand we were wasting milk by doing that.  She used every drop for drinking, cooking and making butter.  Some fresh butter on her warm, homemade bread with a little homemade jelly makes my mouth water!


So I was running for Congress.The year was 2008.Ron Paul’s campaign had just been brought to a sudden halt.And two guys who were on Ron Paul’s campaign team believed they had identified the biggest sucker in the state of Illinois — Allan Stevo.  (MINE: All of our biggest suckers seem to come from the state of ILLINOIS)!!!​They talked me into running for Congress.The Paul campaign went away.But the volunteers I knew were still eager for an election win.For the next 6 months, the remnants of the campaign — individuals who found me — made their way to my campaign.​And some of the strangest people did as well -- or so I sometimes thought.One of them was a dad who wanted to feed his kids raw milk.“Why would anyone do such a thing?” I wondered, “Don’t they know that causes tuberculosis?”​I was such a normie then.​And truthfully, I hope 15 years from now, the 2038 version of me looks back on the 2023 version of me and says “I was such a normie then.”​Well, this raw milk weirdo it turns out, had friends.They got together and did raw milk weirdo things — such as inviting this congressional candidate out for lunch to educate him on the topic of raw milk.

I agreed to join the raw milk weirdo and his friends for lunch.My eyes would never be able to be closed on the topic again.​They were Weston A. Price Foundation members.They had a lot to tell me.The most important thing they told me was not with words but with their actions that day.They were professional, courteous, and thought very different from the mainstream.They were knowledgeable about science, nutrition, and laws.And I was not.​I was, as I said, “a normie” in so many ways, and that day they taught me some of the many areas of life I really had to grow.​I am going to start a class and book reading group on July 11, 2023 about Robert Kennedy’s “The Real Anthony Fauci.”We will meet 12 times in July.The book can be long and difficult for many to read.The context of the class will make it much easier.I have taught many classes like this.It is important for those of us who get it to be able to communicate these ideas to normies.
​I believe so strongly in the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation that I am going to make a bold offer.Sign up for The Real Anthony Fauci book group by Tuesday 11:59pm using the coupon code WAPF and I will gift you a two year membership to the Weston A Price Foundation — complete with their quarterly print journal Wise Traditions delivered to you.It’s such a good publication that I consider this to be worth it, just for the journal.​But you are also going to end up with a lot more benefit than that.​Tap here to take me up on that offer and show some support for the raw milk weirdos -​Just be sure to use the code WAPF when you checkout.​Allan Stevo

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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