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April 7, 2024 11:28 pm  #1

BROKEN judicial systems

What makes the judge think that someone 80 years old isn't a threat?  Just lookit our White House Occupant, the biggest threat to the entire world in all of humankind and he's pushing 81. 

NO SIR, lock her up and throw away the damned key.  She can take a couple of the biden's with her, AFAIC.

BTW, anything can be used as a weapon these days.  ANYTHING AT ALL, but now for some reason at my local drug store you can buy these eyedrops but not the homeopathic ones I usually use.  Hmmmmmm.

GOD, where are you?????  I'm not one of 144,000 but we still need your intervention NOW.  (if you don't understand the 144,000 part, look it up.  It's an interesting fact).

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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